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  • Treatment Works

    Treatment Works

    The good news is that treatment works. It is important to understand that excessive substance and/or alcohol use is a complex set of problems that involves the interplay of psychological, physical, and environmental factors. It it not a weakness of character, spirit, or personality. Read More
  • Bio


    Mark Reisman has been a professional counselor in both the Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol recovery field for the past 30 years. He has worked for the past 25 years for Napa County Health and Human Services.      Read More
  • Individual Consequences

    Individual Consequences

    There is little debate that the use of drugs and alcohol is a growing problem nationally. Its negative impact on job performance, school success, families, and personal relationships is well documented. Read More
  • Family Effects

    Family Effects

    Family members and significant others are often confused and upset about their loved one. They ask themselves what is the best way to help? How do we communicate with the person we are concerned about? What is role in trying to help them? Read More
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6 Reasons Why Recovery Counseling Works

1. A Counselor Will Not Judge You.
2. No matter How Disturbing the Subject, A Counselor Will Stay Engaged.
3. A Counselor Has Empathy, Understanding, Insight, Acceptance, and Experience.
4. Counseling Gives You The Opportunity To Speak the Unspeakable.
5. Counseling Provides a Safe Environment To Explore Your Issues.
6. There Is a Strong And Well Established Research Base For The Success Of Recovery Counseling.

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1. A Counselor Will Not Judge You.
You will not have your thoughts, feelings, actions or history judged.  The counselor  is there to help you understand how you got into this situation, why you made the decisions you did, and the best ways to develop strategies to make things right.
2. No matter How Disturbing the Subject, A Counselor Will Stay Engaged.
When you share uncomfortable information, the tendency is perhaps to withdraw, or run away.  A counselor is committed to stay in the room physically, emotionally, and personally.  
3. A Counselor Has Empathy, Understanding, Insight, Acceptance, and Experience.
 A counselor does much more then blindly listen.  He knows how to listen, understand and respond.  He has the ability to explore the hurt with you without getting lost or overwhelmed with it.  This is called empathy.
He has the tools and ideas to help you navigate through the difficulties. The counselor will work together with you to develop individualized plans to aid you to move forward in a positive direction.  A counselor cannot change the past. He can help you both to accept the situation as it is, and accept yourself unconditionally as you move towards the next steps in the process.
4. Counseling Gives You The Opportunity To Speak the Unspeakable.
Many things are deeply hidden, difficult to talk about, and subjects you carry around for years.  They can weigh on you and cause relational, personal, and even physical difficulties. Counseling can help you free yourself from these secrets and figure out what to do.
5. Counseling Provides a Safe Environment To Explore Your Issues.
The counseling relationship is confidential, and protected.  You are sheltered, and any and all information you share is kept within the counseling sessions except for the counselors requirements to follow the law, or share information only with people you designate.
6. There Is a Strong And Well Established Research Base For The Success Of    Recovery Counseling.
People all over the globe have examined the validity of recovery counseling.  Its success is supported by many studies, and just as importantly by the testimonials of individuals and families who engage in the process.

(707) 287-6200

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2180 Jefferson St. Suite 205

imageNapa, CA 94559


There is little debate that the use of drugs and alcohol is a growing problem nationally.  Its negative impact on job performance, school success, families, and personal relationships is well documented.  Perhaps most importantly, its impact on how a person feels about themselves is at the forefront of its impact. Guilt, shame, loss of self esteem, blame and depression are common symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse.  These symptoms often lead to increased use to ward off these experiences.  It is not uncommon for people to suffer legal consequences and significant personal and/or financial loss along the way.  As the use continues, it is often the case that individuals find increasingly sophisticated ways of hiding the extent of their use from those around them until it becomes so obvious they can no longer hide it.


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